Kalleo Fast Lane

Insights, Industry News & More

Disaster Recovery Planning
On August 25, 2017, Americans witnessed the devastation Mother Nature can impose when Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Houston. This powerful event was referred to as a 500-year storm and few people imagined just how destructive the storm would be. FEMA suggests that as many as 40% of the small businesses in the path of
EHR Webinar

Webinar Event: EHR in the Cloud

Are you feeling pressured to move your EHR to the Cloud?   If so, you are not alone. Many EHR vendors today encourage practices to move their EHRs out of their offices and into the cloud. But how do you know if this is the right decision for your practice? The decision to move your EHR to the
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Kalleo Technologies announced today that it has become a Champion of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) 2017. Kalleo will be joining a growing global effort among businesses, government agencies, colleges and universities, associations, nonprofit organizations and individuals to promote online safety awareness. Recognized every October, NCSAM was created as a collaborative effort between government
Mobile devices pose a major security risk for your organization. It is likely you are among the 95% of companies who allow their employees use their smartphones and tablets to access corporate resources. Are you also part of the 63% of companies failing to use mobile device management tools to ensure those devices are adequately
Opportunity Cost
“But we’ve always done it this way.”  As a business leader, you would never accept that response from one of your staff members if you observed them performing a task in a manner you know is unproductive or unprofitable. Lost time and lost opportunity equate to lost revenue. You know this and you likely work
Last month’s column introduced readers to ransomware, a form of malicious software developed to restrict user’s access to their data until a ransom is paid to a hacker in exchange for a decryption key to unlock the files. If you read last month’s column, you’ll recall that email is the most common way ransomware is
Last year was the year of online extortion. In 2016 there was a 300% increase in online extortion attempts. Over one million US businesses were infected with ransomware by year end. This year the ransomware threat continues with malicious software and viruses that are more sophisticated than ever. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is unlike any
Computer Maintenance
Spring has traditionally been the time of year that we throw open the windows, air out our homes, and give everything a thorough, deep cleaning. While the tradition is waning, there are still individuals who advocate for this practice. I’m one of them. I find that a good spring cleaning helps me to get organized
Computer Equipment
A question I’m frequently asked is “Why shouldn’t I buy my business’ computer equipment off the shelf at the local box store? Is there a difference between that equipment and what I’d get from a business-class technology retailer?”  The answer is yes! While the equipment available for purchase at the local retail store may look
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